About Me
About Me

Hi, I’m Charlotte. I love helping menopausal business women to improve their gut nutrition so that they can lead a more normal life with the ability to eat foods that don’t aggravate their gut, have more energy, have better relationships with family and friends and improve their sleep so allowing to improve their concentration and performance at work.
I originally trained as a nurse and looked after many women with gut problems. I also suffered from IBS myself and struggled with being able to eat normally without suffering with unwanted symptoms of bloating, gut ache and fatigue.
I noticed that when I was stressed my symptoms worsened but didn’t really make sufficient connection to make changed to my diet and lifestyle.
I was married to an RAF pilot and we were constantly moving house. Meanwhile I was also bringing up 3 children, working, studying and suffering silently with gut problems which went on for years.
6 years ago I trained to be a Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner which taught me tools to help me look at life differently and I learnt techniques to de-stress. However, that wasn’t sufficient to remove my gut symptoms. I then trained to be a Nutritionist with the Health Sciences Academy which gave me more knowledge about food and general nutrition. Following on from that I trained to be an Advanced Gut Repair Nutrition Advisor which finally gave me better insights to managing my gut symptoms more effectively. Since then I have been able to help many women, including myself, to eat more healthily, learning how to swap foods that irritated the gut to healthier options, manage stress which can often be the main culprit of poor gut health and to understand different foods impact on the gut.
If you would like to learn more about how you can improve your gut health please feel free to contact me so that we can discuss a more positive way forward for you to feel healthier, happier, pain free life.